Our next interaction was an enjoyable in-person meeting. Shortly thereafter, I hired Aaron to do some work for my organization; first as a consultant, then as a blogger, and eventually as public speaker who we sent on a national speaking tour. Over the years, I've watched Aaron present to a multitude of audiences - both large and small. His personal stories, examples, humor, analogies, and insights help promote awareness, understanding, acceptance, and celebration of those with autism.
Aaron's audiences include parents, students, teachers, doctors, autism researchers, police officers, FBI agents, employers, clergy, CEO’s, board members, state government officials, and those, like himself, on the autism spectrum. Whether you were to read his book or attend one of his public presentations, Aaron has the unique ability to capture your attention and take you with him on a journey which explores what it means to go through life on the autism spectrum.
Aaron Likens is one of the most intelligent and insightful people I have had the pleasure of knowing. The value of Aaron’s contribution to the mission of raising awareness and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder across our country cannot be overstated.
— Ron Ekstrand, Chief Executive Officer, Easterseals Arkansas

— Steve Bennett, Supervisory Special Agent - Unit Chief, FBI, Office of Partner Engagement, Violence Reduction Unit

— Julie Armstrong, Executive Director, Indianapolis Bar Association

I thank Aaron, and the good folks from Easterseals for all they do enriching the lives of everyone they meet.
— Alex Villanueva, Los Angeles County Sheriff

I first learned about Aaron Likens from a colleague at Boise State University. I knew that Autism awareness training would fill a critical gap for the SUNY Canton campus that includes law enforcement.
In April 2019, Aaron presented for the first time at SUNY Canton. Aaron presented to faculty, staff, community, and did a special presentation for law enforcement only. I am positive that everyone that participated came away with a much better understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
The information that Aaron imparted will improve the University, community, and law enforcement response to persons on the Autism Spectrum. Aaron Likens personal knowledge and delivery were so outstanding that we engaged his services once again in April 2020. I highly recommend Aaron to all organizations that want to improve their understanding of Autism.
— Alan P. Mulkin, Chief of Police, FBI NA 203rd, NYS University Police at Canton